Read stories that bring your darkness to a landscape where evil’s overthrown

Author Lindsey Lamh headshot

Lindsey Lamh is the sort of book-worm you find in a corner of the library, tapping away at a computer, surrounded by sketchbooks and pencils, chocolate snacks and hard candy. Lindsey’s an intuitive introvert—she enjoys topics that get under everyone’s skin in a good way. Her name means "refreshing spring”—a symbol of healing she attempts to embody in her writing and relationships.

Lindsey’s day-to-day life is never without its challenges. Lindsey homeschools her six children, takes everyone on nature walks and trips to the library, constantly revising the family schedule. She also runs a social society for Christian women called “The Flannery Club” in honor of author Flannery O’Conner. Between home and church responsibilities, Lindsey’s not allowed to become a reclusive art-hermit, and that’s a good thing!

Her husband, Jeffrey, passionately supported Lindsey’s “hobby” of writing long before she ever took it seriously, begging her to “stop starting new projects and just finish something!” (a plea every author needs to hear at some point).

Despite his excellent advice, Lindsey Lamh didn’t complete a project until 2021. Around this time, Lindsey received a diagnosis for a condition which is so rare and unresearched, a treatment plan has yet to be established. Suffering through an invisible type of illness alienated Lindsey from many of her support systems, resulting in a season of depression.

While slogging through this dark time, writing became a distraction from the inescapable gloom. Lindsey pressed onward by putting words on a page, learning more about herself and mental health in the meantime. She recognized she was grieving; she mourned the losses caused by her condition, and she mourned the shattered ideologies which had given shape to her life before depression broke the mold.

In 2021, Lindsey Lamh completed the first draft of a fantasy romance novel which weighed in at 170k words and was only the first installment of a 3 or 4 book series. The original idea for the story came from an email chain she and Jeffrey wrote back and forth—Lindsey giving a paragraph or two of story, and then a few optional directions the story could take from there, and Jeffrey writing back with his choice. It was a fun exercise, and one of the many ways Jeffrey has supported Lindsey in her creativity and self-expression.

By the time Lindsey set aside the fantasy story, in favor of a gothic horror story which would become her debut novel, depression had faded into the recent past. With the help of her writing, a wonderful therapist, life-changing books, close friends, and Jeffrey’s relentless compassion, Lindsey gradually assimilated the losses she’d suffered.

Now, pain has become something of an unwelcome house guest—but its’ presence has taught Lindsey valuable things. Truths she wouldn’t trade for an easier life.

Lindsey Lamh’s stories are dark because life is full of pain and she wants to tell the truth about it. Her writing isn’t just bleak; it’s shot through with hope, too, like sunbeams through stained glass. Her words are meant to echo in the hearts of readers who’ve felt the same way as she, who’ve groped through dark times in search of their meaning.

Lindsey offers a cup of refreshment, blood-bought and extended with the rapport of someone who’s in the same fight. someone who knows what pain teaches. Lindsey knows we never heal from our trauma, but that doesn’t mean our hardships are the end of goodness, happiness, and purpose in our lives. Pain is a threshold, and an invitation to cross into new territory. It can feel like a door slammed in your face, but like most doors, it has a latch and swings open when you push hard enough.

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